Konverzační soutěž v Anglickém jazyce v pondělí 11. 12. 2017 ve 14 h

Zájemci se mohou hlásit u p. učitelky Glonkové či Hanibalové.

Těšíme se na příjemné odpoledne okořeněné angličtinou a dobrotami typickými pro anglicky mluvící země. Čaj s mlékem nebude chybět.

  Témata pro kategorii I. A, B (6. a 7. ročník):

  1. My family
  2. My town
  3. Animals, pets
  4. My house, my flat
  5. My school,timetable
  6. Daily life

Témata kategorie II. A, B (8. a 9. ročník):

  1. Family life (my family, the roles of men and women, raising children, starting a family)
  2. Housing (our house, flat, my town/village)
  3. Shopping and services.
  4. Plans for the future (future plans, jobs, curiculum vitae)
  5. Daily routine, my life
  6. Work and leisure time (young people and their problems, drugs, ideals that young people have, friendship and personal qualities)
  7. Health and diseases (healthy life style, at the doctor’s)
  8. Food and cooking (eating habits, British and Czech cuisine)
  9. School and education (my school, Czech education)
  10. Holidays, festivals, celebrations
  11. Travelling (means of transport, accomodation, holiday)
  12. London (some facts from the history, some fact about present London, interesting places)